Looking for information about the School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education at Fitchburg State University? Select one of the following topics to view its associated questions and answers.
The School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education offers graduate and undergraduate degree programs, certificates, minors, and an approval program.
You can connect with faculty via email or access telephone numbers and office locations for our on-campus faculty through our staff directory. Also, contacting faculty teaching in any given semester can be done from the seats list. Just click on the faculty name which is an email link.
View our course schedule and click on the BOOKS link for the class you're interested in.
It's easy! Just apply online to either an undergraduate or graduate program.
Phone: 978.665.3144
Email: gce@fitchburgstate.edu
Advising information for admitted students may be found on the SGOCE Student Resources Center.
Jennifer Murray
Coordinator of Enrollment Services and Advising Resources
School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education
Courses and Registration
Course schedules are available here! Just select a semester to get started, and you can click on a course title to read the course description.
Whether you're a new or returning student, you can find all of your options for registration by visiting the Register for Classes page.
Total costs are payable at the time of registration, including tuition and applicable fees. An online program fee of $58 per credit must be added for anyone registering for a MS in Forensic Nursing, MS or Graduate Certificate in Applied Communication, or online SPED or READ course, as well as any courses required for the MEd in Middle School Education and for graduate History courses.
Payment for SGOCE courses must be made at the time of registration. You will not be mailed a bill. Failure to pay will result in you being dropped from your classes.
A special studies form is required for independent studies, practicums, theses, capstones, field studies, internships, directed studies, and research in science education. The completed form must be submitted to the appropriate dean’s office. Special studies are restricted to matriculated students.
Students wishing to drop ALL of their courses in a given semester must call the Registrar’s Office to do so. Students wishing to drop courses, but not ALL courses, may do so using Web4, or they may also call the Registrar’s office for assistance. Deadlines apply for withdrawals and/or refunds, and changes in course load may affect financial aid eligibility.
Distance Education
Visit our 100% online page for more information on online courses. While you're there check out our demo course.
Policies and Forms
Academic policies for both undergraduate and graduate students may be found in the online Catalog. Once there, select the appropriate current Catalog, and then use the left-hand navigation to find the Academic Policies information. The current Catalogs (undergraduate and graduate) are found at the top of the drop-down list of catalogs on the top of the home page.
All of the forms students may need can be found on the Registrar's page.
A student petition form is used to request exceptions to policy and academic regulation due to extenuating circumstances only. Submit completed petition forms to the appropriate dean’s office.
Contact Disability Services located in Hammond Hall.
Increase your academic achievement with assistance from the Tutor Center.
Fitchburg State University strives to meet the needs of our veterans by providing veterans services and information necessary to support their educational goals.
The Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library provides a full range of services to support our on-campus, distance learning and extended campus students.
Check out the menus and places to eat on campus.
Obtain your OneCard through the OneCard Office.
Every Fitchburg State student, faculty, and staff member is provided with a university email account. Please use email responsibly and in a manner that makes it an effective form of communication.