Beginning in Fall 2024 Housing and Residential Services will offer graduate student housing. This initiative provides graduate students with the opportunity to reside in convenient on-campus housing, fostering close connections with Fitchburg State resources and the community.
Some highlights of 185 North St include:
- Apartment style housing with 5 bedrooms
- All single bedrooms featuring full-size beds
- Laundry facilities in each unit
- Close proximity to resident parking lots
- All utilities included in the total cost of $875 a month
Housing occupancy agreements (in other places known as leases) are a 12 month agreement. Students will have the option to renew their agreement for an additional year if continuing enrollment in the academic program. This agreement includes housing for periods between semester and over the summer.
Each spring semester for returning graduate students you will have the option to renew your housing occupancy agreement for the following academic year which begins September 1.
The first step in the process is to pay your housing deposit. Once we receive your deposit and verify your enrollment in a graduate program you will gain access to the housing occupancy agreement with specific instructions for completion.
For more information, please contact housing@fitchburgstate.edu to begin the process of paying your housing deposit and receiving the next steps of completing your housing application.
Hear from Shirajum Munira from Bangladesh, a graduate student and Resident Assistant this fall, on her experiences here at Fitchburg State.
See more photos of 185 North Street Graduate Housing.