Study Abroad Faculty Resource Page

The Office of International Education has developed this page to assist our faculty with identifying the resources available to them relating to study and research abroad. Faculty-led programs help to build a positive international reputation for Fitchburg State University and bring the campus closer together with shared experiences abroad between faculty and students. Faculty-led programs are a great short term study abroad option.

The first step in developing a faculty led study abroad program at Fitchburg State is to start the conversation! We welcome proposals to countries all over the world, and we work with many trusted International Education Organizations (IEO's) to support your program on site.

Complete the Faculty Led Study Abroad Course Proposal form (PDF) and get the conversation started. Please note the signature chain that is outlined at the end of the document and follow accordingly, giving ample time for processing. In the meantime, here is the presentation from the November 2017 CTL sponsored program, "Developing A Faculty Led Program" (PDF), which may begin to answer some of your questions. 

The Fulbright Program is an American scholarship program of competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists. The Program was founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946. Contact the Office of International Education for a PowerPoint presentation on this fascinating opportunity. Visit the Fulbright Scholars website for more information.

As part of the Generation Studies Abroad grant program, OIE developed a list of Advocates on campus. To date, there are over 70 faculty, librarians and staff included on this list, highlighting the level of diversity that makes up our campus. We send out one or two emails each year to the members informing them of our progress and including members in a call for programming and classroom visits. If you would like to be included on this list, contact the Office of International Education.

The International Advisory Committee (IAC) aims to provide helpful guidelines for and support to faculty and librarians on internationally focused curriculum, study, research, training, or travel abroad.

The Pre-Registration Approval Form (PDF), or PRAF, is the official University document that informs the Registrar that your advisee will be abroad during a particular semester. Your advisee will meet with the Study Abroad Advisor to determine courses/requirements to be satisfied at the foreign university. They will then follow up with the Departmental Advisor for approvals. At that time, the document must be forwarded to the Registrar (syllabi/course descriptions included) for final approvals. If you have any questions about this document, feel free to call or email the Office of International Education. or the Office of the Registrar.  

Photo Gallery

Enjoy these photos of our faculty and students participating in our many programs. Please speak with our faculty who have led programs if you have any questions about their experiences leading a program at Fitchburg State.