1 Graduate Credit | 15 PDPs | 100% Online
Synchronous classes with an additional five hours of asynchronous work.
This course is intended for anyone who works with students, including teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, administrative, and support staff.
Classrooms today are full of diversity - in population, resources and academic abilities. This course will assist pre-service teachers, current teachers and other professionals in their application of the depth and scope of various issues of multiculturalism affecting English language learners, public schools, and literacy in the United States today. The course will facilitate personal growth and understanding in the impact of equity and bias towards multicultural issues.
1 Graduate Credit
Course #: PDMT 6880
CRN: 33555
15 PDPs
Course #: PDMT 6880P
CRN: 33556
Contact the Center for Professional Studies at cps@fitchburgstate.edu to learn how to offer this course in your school district.
Instructor: Angele Goss
Angele Goss has more than 20 years of professional experience connecting low-income and first generation students (middle, high school and college) to resources and experiences that improve their access to and through post-secondary education. Her experience spans a diverse range of school districts in North Central Massachusetts. She has directed two (2) Federal Education grants with combined annual budgets of $500k+, hired and supervised staff and developed residential academic summer programming.
She currently teaches Adult Basic Education to predominately second language learners, ranging in age from 18 to 65 and teaches courses on cultural competency at Fitchburg State University. Additionally, she is a Cultural Engagement presenter who facilitates difficult conversations around race, equity, and cultural self-reflection. Her work demands an intentional respect for the varied cultures of each person she meets. Angele’s success in her work is due, in large part, to meeting students, school staff and workshop participants where they are and constructing pathways that identify common ground that supports personal and community success.
Angele holds a master’s degree in education from Fitchburg State University.
Instructor: Lynn D'Agostino
Lynn D’Agostino currently teaches in the Education Department at Fitchburg State University. She's been teaching courses and leading professional development around cultural competency and working with English learners for the past 7 years. Lynn has a wealth of experience around licensure programs, PK-12 community partnerships, and SEI through her roles as the field placement coordinator and as the director for the federal grant Transforming Education and Schools for English Learners. She also has a strong background in ESL from her experience teaching in Kosovo and in Fitchburg Public schools.