Part-Time Payroll

Pay Schedule

All part-time, non-benefited, temporary employees are paid bi-weekly through HR/CMS (The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Payroll System). The pay calendars are available on the Payroll Information page.

Hiring Guidelines

Please see our Hiring Information page for job aids and other helpful information on hiring Part-Time Non-Benefited employees.

Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty

All part-time day and SGOCE adjunct positions must go through the Fitchburg State jobsite. The department chair should select the successful candidate as Recommended for Hire in the system. The recommendation will then be automatically sent to the appropriate authority for approval. Once the candidate has been approved by the Dean or Associate VP of Academic Affairs, they will automatically be emailed pertinent hiring information. Ultimately, candidates will be sent instructions for logging into Blackboard to obtain paperwork and complete trainings. Payroll must have all of the required paperwork in order to process payment.

Post-Retiree Part-Time Workers

Part-Time workers who are retirees from Fitchburg State and/or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and are collecting a pension are limited to the number of hours/earnings they can make while collecting their pension. Please review  the following for additional information: Working and Receiving a Public Retirement Benefit


State employees do not contribute to social security, therefore, all part-time, non-benefited employees must contribute to an approved retirement plan. For most, this will be through OBRA (PDF) contributions deducted from their earnings in lieu of social security. For more information on investment opportunities or plan information please reach out to SMART PLAN.

You may be exempt from this contribution if you fall under one or more of the following categories:

  • You are currently a full-time employee for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at Fitchburg State or another state agency and you are participating in the retirement system.
  • You are retired from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and collecting a pension.

The Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System does not qualify you to be exempt from OBRA, as it is a separate retirement system.

Time and Attendance

HRCMS/SSTA (Self-Service Time and Attendance) is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts online self-service payroll system. Part time contract employees complete their attendance electronically through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts system. Their supervisor is responsible for approving the hours worked in the system for processing.

Separation From Service

Supervisors must notify Human Resources and Payroll Services of the separation of any part-time employee as soon as they are aware of it. To do so, complete the online Separation Notification Form (Dynamic Forms).