Information and Confirmed Consent


All colleges and universities in Massachusetts, including Fitchburg State University, are conducting a Campus Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey to measure perceptions of safety on campus in compliance with federal and state law.

Fitchburg State University is committed to keeping our communities safe and will continue working to foster an environment where all community members can thrive as students and employees.

This survey will enable Fitchburg State University to better understand the scope of sexual misconduct on our campus. Survey results will provide us with information on the prevalence of sexual misconduct in our community, on students’ knowledge of reporting processes and services available. This information gathered will guide us in how we respond to and prevent incidents of sexual misconduct.

We know sexual misconduct can be difficult to talk about. We thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Gathering this data and using it to inform our practices and policies is paramount in our efforts to keep our campuses, and our community members, safe and supported. 

To take the survey, log into your Fitchburg State University email account and search for "survey". Responses accepted February 10 – March 17, 2025.

Content Warning

This survey asks personal and sensitive questions about experiences with unwanted behavior, like violence or harassment. This includes things like sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, gender-based violence, violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or stalking.

Information and Instructions

All students enrolled in at least one for-credit course at Fitchburg State University are receiving this survey.

  • This survey is being conducted by Grand River Solutions, an independent company, for Fitchburg State University.
  • Participating in this survey is completely voluntary. You may choose not to begin the survey or you may withdraw at any time by exiting the survey.  
  • Your responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. You may choose not to answer any questions which you do not want to.
  • The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

If you have any concerns or you need support while taking this survey, do not hesitate to contact any resources below for support:

Rebecca H. Newell, Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity or 978.665.3236

Fitchburg State University Counseling Services/Uwill Crisis Hotline

A list of on and off-campus resources will be provided at the end of the survey. You can also access this information by visiting our Title IX page. Additionally, if you would like to learn about and access Fitchburg State University support services, visit our Falcons Care Center page.

Informed Consent

This survey is intended to gather information about students' perceptions of the campus culture and their experiences of harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking. Your responses will help us learn where we can improve, as we are committed to ensuring a safe, healthy, and nondiscriminatory environment for our students.

Risks and Voluntary Participation

No more than minimal risk will be associated with this study, meaning that the risk is no more than what you encounter in day-to-day life.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You can refuse to take part in the research or exit the survey at any time.

Some of the language used in this survey is explicit, and some people may find it uncomfortable. Some of the questions in the survey ask about past experiences that might have been upsetting or distressing. You can skip any question you do not wish to answer.

This will not affect your academic class standing or any other status at Fitchburg State University. You will not be offered or receive any special consideration if you take part in this survey.


Your responses will be kept confidential. Your responses will be reported in terms of groups of students rather than as individuals.

Grand River Solutions, as an independent company, is not a mandated reporter. For the purpose of this survey, Grand River Solutions received information containing your name, email address, and some background information (e.g., race/ethnicity, whether you are an international student, whether you receive a Pell Grant, and your graduation year). 

Information reported to Fitchburg State University will not contain any identifiable information. No one from the University will have access to data that is connected to your name.

The following people and/or agencies will have access to your anonymous survey responses:

  • Fitchburg State University Office of Equal Opportunity
  • Grand River Solutions

Per Fitchburg State University policy all research records must be retained for at least 3 years following its final report. 


Benefits are derived indirectly through the University’s actions informed by the responses, specifically program improvement. There are no potential direct benefits.


The first one hundred (100) students to complete the survey will receive a Starbucks drink card (up to $7). All participants will be entered into a raffle for one of six (6) $50 Amazon Gift Cards.

Your responses to the survey will not be connected in any way to the contact information you provide for receipt of these incentives.


You are free to withdraw from this project at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you would be otherwise entitled. If you want to withdraw, simply do not submit your survey responses. If at any point you decide not to participate or to withdraw from the study, it will not change the relationship with the Office of Equal Opportunity or Fitchburg State University. 

Contact Information

Any questions directly related to the procedures, risks, and benefits of this study can be answered at any time by the Rebecca H. Newell, Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity at or 978.665.3236 at any point before, during or at the completion of the study.

If you have any additional questions pertinent to the study, including questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Institutional Review Board at

This study has been approved by the Fitchburg State University Institutional Review Board (IRB). IRB # 20242025-01 Student Survey on Sexual Misconduct and Safety IRB Approval Date: January 2025.

Agreement to Participate

Your participation is completely voluntary. You can decide not to participate in the survey without any consequences. You can quit the survey at any time. To take the survey, log into your Fitchburg State University email account and search for "survey". Responses accepted February 10 – March 17, 2025