Course Information

LAS Information

Attribute   Stands For Area Used
AOM Art or Music The Arts
ART Art The Arts
CTW Citizenship and the World Elective Citizenship and the World
GDA Global Diversity - Art Global Diversity
GDAN Global Diversity - Art - Non-Western Global Diversity
GDC Global Diversity - Citizenship and the World Global Diversity
GDCN Global Diversity - Citizenship - Non-Western Global Diversity
HAF Health and Fitness Science, Math, Tech
LAB Laboratory Science, Math, Tech
LIT Literature The Arts
SMT Science, Math, Technology Elective Science, Math, Tech
Minors A - H Minors I - Z
AAST (African-American Studies)  INTL (International Studies) 
AMST (American Studies)  ITAL (Italian) 
ART (Art)  LIT (Literature) 
ARTH (Art History)  MAMI (Math Minor for Education) 
ARTS (Studio Art)  MATH (Mathematics) 
ASIA (Asian Studies)  MUSC (Music) 
BIOL (Biology)  NBCM (Neuroscience, Behavior, & Cognition) 
CHEM (Chemistry)  PEAC (Peace Studies) 
COMP (Computer Science)  PHIL (Philosophy) 
DEAF (Deaf Studies)  POLS (Political Science) 
DIGM (Digital Media Innovation)  PRWR (Professional Writing) 
DIST (Disability Studies)  PSYS (Psychological Science) 
ECON (Economics)  RLNG (Romance Languages) 
ERTH (Earth Science)  SOC (Sociology) 
FREN (French)   SPAN (Spanish) 
GEOE (Geographic Science & Technology)  SSCI (Social Science)
GIS (Geographic Information System)  TETA (Technical Theater) 
HIST (History)  THEA (Theater) 
HON (Honors) WOST (Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)

Information for Transfer Students

Congratulations on your recent acceptance to Fitchburg State University!

We realize that as a transfer student, you have different needs and expectations when compared to our incoming freshmen. For this reason, we have designed a special advising and registration process just for transfer students.

Here is how to get started:

  1. Enrollment Deposit and Placement Testing: Advising and registration is only available to transfer students who have paid their enrollment deposit and completed any necessary placement testing. If you have not already paid your deposit, log into your application status page and submit the required forms and payment. Deposits for transfer students are due by January 15. Reminder, the deposit payment is non-refundable and veterans of the Armed Services, are eligible for a waiver.
  2. Placement Testing Notification: You will receive an email after your transfer credit evaluation is completed letting you know if you need to take any placement testing. Based on the current situation, this may be waived.
  3. Advising and Course Registration: You have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with an academic advisor and register for classes on a date and time which are convenient for you. At this time, this may be done virtually via google hangouts or phone call. After you have paid your admissions deposit, you should contact the Career Services and Advising Center to set up your advising appointment. Registration for transfer students begins November 23. You should contact Diane Maynard at 978.665.3151 or to schedule your “virtual” appointment. We recommend scheduling an appointment as soon as possible to maximize your choice of course sections.
    • Make sure you have access to a phone or internet to do the appointment virtually. You do not need to have a Gmail account to use Google Hangouts.
    • Reminder: If you have not yet paid your $350 enrollment deposit ($200, if a commuter student), you must do so prior to your scheduled advising session by logging into your application status page.
    • In your advising session, you will be provided with information regarding your online student account, transfer credits, and any other topic you might have questions about for next semester.

We look forward to welcoming you to Fitchburg State University!


Reach out to us with your questions about the transfer advising and registration process.