In June 2024, the MSCA and the Council of State University Presidents on behalf of the Massachusetts State Universities agreed upon a new set of ten course student evaluation questions to replace the SIR II for all lecture and lab courses, and a process for administering a new digital student evaluation instrument called Explorance Blue.
Lecture and Lab Courses
Explorance Instrument Highlights
- The survey instrument is integrated directly into Blackboard; it is also available through the centralized hub at
- Faculty members are notified prior to the launch of the course student evaluation survey, noting the date the surveys will be made available to students.
- 2-3 weeks prior to the last day of classes, students receive automated invitations and reminders to complete the survey.
- Faculty members receive automated invitations to monitor aggregated response rates and receive a summary report after the submission of semester grades.
- Tenured faculty members may select which classes they want to be surveyed, with the selection deadline approximately 4 weeks before the launch of the course student evaluation survey.
- If a minimum of 5 student responses is not achieved, the course student evaluation surveys shall not be used for evaluative purposes.
Non-lecture and non-lab courses*
All non-lecture and non-lab courses will continue to use the Appendix C-4 for course student evaluations.
* For student-teacher supervision, physical education activities courses, studio (creative and performing arts), shop, cooperative education, field work supervision internship practicum, independent or directed study, and nursing clinical supervision.
Faculty Resources
- CBA and Appendix C-4
- Sample Explorance report (PDF)
- Accessing and Downloading Course Evaluation Forms (PDF)
- Communication Timeline (PDF)
- Course Evaluation Step-by-Step Guide (PDF)
Please consult the collective bargaining agreement for details related to course student evaluation requirements or direct any questions to the Fitchburg MSCA Chapter President.