Provost and Executive Vice President
Dr. Patricia Marshall
Email: pmarsha5@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3653

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Franca Barricelli
Email: fbarrice@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3627

Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning
Ms. Pamela McCafferty
Email: pmccafferty@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3435

Dean of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education
Dr. Becky Copper-Glenz
Email: bcopperg@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3564

Dean of Health and Natural Sciences and Interim Dean of Business and Technology
Dr. Jannette McMenamy
Email: jmcmenamy@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.4643

Dean of the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library
Ms. Jacalyn Kremer
Email: jkremer@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3833
Assistant Dean for Student Success
Mr. Jason Smith
Email: jsmit151@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3373

Director of International Education
Ms. Nelly Wadsworth
Email: nwadswor@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3599

Director of Career Services and Advising Center
Ms. Lindsay Carpenter Connors
Email: lcarpen7@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.4925

Director of Academic Coaching and Tutoring Center
Dr. Kat McLellan
Email: kmclella@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.4136

Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Mr. Andrew Goodwin
Email: agoodwi7@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3847

Director, Early College and Dual Enrollment
Mr. Fernando Garcia-Rodriguez
Email: fgarcia4@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.4165
Staff Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ms. Joanne Rivard
Email: jrivard@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3421

Staff Assistant, Academic Affairs
Ms. Deresa Webb
Email: dwebb5@fitchburgstate.edu Phone: 978.665.3168