Meet the ACT

The Academic Coaching and Tutor Center's tutors, mentors, and office assistants are here to help you!

Let us introduce ourselves

Veronica Barton ACT Tutor

Veronica Barton

Peer Tutor
Kervens Blanc ACT SGA in front of flowering bush

Kervens Blanc

Peer Tutor
Michael Burns ACT, SGA President speaking at tree lighting

Michael Burns

Peer Mentor
Joenys Carrasquillo ACT Tutor

Joenys Carrasquillo

Peer Tutor
Logan Cashman's back standing on top of mountain

Logan Cashman

Peer Mentor
Madeline Curran ACT Tutor

Madeline Curran

Peer Tutor
Shane Daly ACT Tutor

Shane Daly

Peer Tutor
Emerson Disalle ACT outside by ocean

Emerson Disalle

Peer Tutor
Imari Englehart ACT office assistant

Imari Englehart

Office Assistant
ACT Victoria Feldman selfie

Victoria "Tori" Feldman

Peer Tutor
Ahna Gainey ACT outside at fair with pride flag

Ahna Gainey

Peer Tutor
Autumn Garceau ACT in a field with sunset

Autumn Garceau

Peer Tutor
Oliver Ginnett ACT outside

Oliver Ginnett

Peer Tutor
ACT Lexi Granchelli tutor

Alexandra "Lexi" Granchelli

Peer Tutor
Melissa Guillaume ACT selfie

Melissa Guillaume

Peer Tutor
Laila Hamilton ACT Tutor

Laila Hamilton

Peer Tutor
Emjay Hanson Comm Media

Emjay Hanson

Peer Tutor
Mackenzie Harris ACT headshot

MacKenzie Harris

Peer Tutor
James Hoffman ACT tutor

James Hoffman

Peer Tutor
Viktoriia Hryhorchuk ACT selfie

Viktoriia Hryhorchuk

Peer Tutor
Cassandra Israelson ACT holding a clapboard

Cassandra Israelson

Peer Tutor
Teddy Kingori ACT

Teddy Kingori

Peer Tutor
Nader Layakoubi ACT outside at pond

Nader Layakoubi

Peer Tutor
Julia LeGault ACT mirror selfie

Julia LeGault

Peer Mentor
Chemlah Macneil ACT selfie in car

Chemlah Macneil

Peer Tutor
Terrell Mathieu ACT tutor with headphones

Terrel Mathieu

Peer Tutor
Mica Mclaurin ACT full length standing in front of door

Mica Mclaurin

Peer Tutor, Peer Mentor
Sophie Monis ACT selfie in dorm

Sophie Monis

Peer Tutor
Caitlin Moriarty ACT headshot

Caitlin Moriarty

Peer Tutor, Peer Mentor
PJ Norton ACT headshot

PJ Norton

Peer Tutor, Office Assistant
Elliot Olynciw-Olkuski ACT headshot

Elliot Olynciw-Olkuski

Peer Tutor
Jess Patel ACT with her cat

Jess Patel

Peer Tutor
Abby Phelps ACT tutor selfie in car

Abby Phelps

Peer Tutor
Ash Pierce ACT selfie on the quad

Ash Pierce

Peer Tutor
Berika Pierre ACT tutor selfie in dorm

Berika Pierre

Peer Mentor
Daniel Pratt ACT tutor in tuxedo in church

Daniel Pratt

Peer Tutor
Jonathan Rajotte ACT outside with his dog

Jonathan Rajotte

Peer Tutor, Peer Mentor, Office Assistant
Lucianna Rawlinson ACT tutor

Lucianna "Anna" Rawlinson

Peer Tutor
Elischama Rene ACT Tutor outside in a bush

Elischama Rene

Peer Tutor
Ava Robles ACT Tutor sitting outside in flowers

Ava Robles

Peer Tutor
Jared Jay Sanville ACT tutor giving thumbs up with Wrestling belt

Jared "Jay" Sanville

Peer Tutor
Nadine Simamora ACT tutor at ocean hair blowing

Nadine Simamora

Peer Mentor
Ceceilia Simion ACT tutor selfie with her cat

Ceceilia Simion

Peer Tutor
Alivia Smith ACT tutor selfie in a car

Alivia "Liv" Smith

Peer Tutor
Luke Spears ACT selfie outside on campus

Luke Speers

Peer Tutor
Miles Sullivan ACT tutor outside in the trees

Miles Sullivan

Peer Tutor
Gabriel Toomey ACT tutor headshot outside

Gabriel "Gabe" Toomey

Peer Mentor
Jordan Wasil ACT tutor outside sitting on a rock

Jordan Wasil

Peer Tutor
Samantha Wozniak ACT tutor on track in cheerleading uniform

Samantha Wozniak

Peer Tutor