Rala Diakite PROFESSOR Humanities School of Arts and Sciences rdiakite@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4706 Office: Conlon Fine Arts 255A
Fernando Diaz Morera ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Mathematics School of Health and Natural Sciences ndiazmor@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4638 Office: Edgerly Hall 301F
Emma Downs ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Biology and Chemistry School of Health and Natural Sciences edowns1@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3621 Office: Antonucci Science Complex 327
Melissa Dunn ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Nursing School of Health and Natural Sciences mdunn@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3252 Office: Thompson Hall 208
Jennifer Dupuis INSTRUCTOR Nursing School of Health and Natural Sciences jdupuis6@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3852 Office: Thompson Hall- 210D
Steven Edwards PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences sedward9@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3997 Office: Miller Hall 211
Adem Elveren ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Economics, History and Political Science School of Arts and Sciences aelveren@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4855 Office: Miller Hall 307
Felicia Farron-Davis ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Education School of Education ffarrondavis@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4030 Office: McKay C116
Lena Ficco ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Psychological Science School of Health and Natural Sciences lficco@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3549 Office: McKay Complex 276
Steven Fiedler ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Biology and Chemistry School of Health and Natural Sciences steven.fiedler@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3391 Office: Antonucci Science Complex 334