Kori Ryan

Behavioral Sciences School of Arts and Sciences
Kori Ryan, PsyD, Human Services, Behavioral Sciences
978.665.4148 Office: McKay 222
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Human Services (HMSV 1100)
Social and Cultural Diversity in Human Services (HMSV 2005)
Crisis Intervention (HMSV 2400)
Interviewing Techniques (HMSV 2500)
Abuse and Neglect within the Family (HMSV 3500)
Professional Issues in Human Services (HMSV 3700)
Internship in Human Services (HMSV 4880/4890)


Psy.D., Alliant International University (Clinical Forensic Psychology)
M.A., Alliant International University (Clinical Forensic Psychology)
M.S., California State University Fresno (Criminology)
B.S., Northeastern University (Psychology)

Forensic Assessment
Forensic Mental Health
Criminal behavior (intervention/prevention)
Clinical and forensic ethics

Journal Articles

Johnson, R. et al. (2015). "Military sexual trauma in female OEF/OIF female veterans: A forensic psychological paradigm." Sexual Assault Report, 18(2).


Borges, R. et al. (2011). "Impact of Exposure to Violence on the Mental Health of Non-Adjudicated Juveniles." Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Barcelona, Spain.

Borges, R. et al. (2012). "Is self-control really the problem? A closer look at A General Theory of Crime: An analysis of 16,000 cases." Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Miami, FL.

Fessler, E. et al. (2014). "Pre-employment Forensic Psychological Screening of Correctional Officers: DSM-5 Implications." Proceedings of the American Criminal Justice Society 51st Annual Meeting (pp. 214).

Johnson, R. et al. (2015). "Clinical forensic psychological ethical issues in the delivery of treatment services to juvenile fire setters and bomb makers." Proceedings of the American Criminal Justice Society 52nd Annual Meeting.

Leark, R. et al. (2015). "Jesness Inventory Revised TRIN and VRIN; Enhancing Juvenile Risk Assessment to Assess Response Distortion." Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Manchester, UK.

Leark, R. et al. (2014). "The Mask of Psychopathy: What about the Women?" Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Toronto, Ontario.

Leark, R. et al. (2014). "Relation between Juvenile Conduct and Psychopathy." Society of Police and Criminal Psychology. Las Vegas, NV.

Ryan, K. & Skrapec, C. (2008). "Macdonald Triad: Predictor of Violence or Urban Myth?" American Society of Criminology. St. Louis, MO.

IAFMHS - International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services
ACJS - Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences