Collin Syfert

English Studies School of Arts and Sciences
Collin Syfert
978.665.3527 Office: Miller Hall 203
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1:45 - 3:00 p.m.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Speech Communication (SPCH 1000)
Argumentation and Debate (SPCH 1100)
Small Group Communication (SPCH 1400)
Public Speaking (SPCH 1600)
Persuasion (SPCH 2600)
Environmental Communication (SPCH 2200)
Current Events and Service Learning (HON 1020)
Writing II (ENGL 1200)
College Newspaper Production (ENGL 3830)
Speech Writing (SPCH 3000)


Ph.D., University of Washington (Communication)
M.A., University of Rhode Island (Communication Studies)
B.S., University of Iowa (Psychology); B.A (English, Communication Studies)

Activism and Advocacy
Environmental Communication
History of Rhetoric
Political Communication
Rhetoric of Science

American Society for the History of Rhetoric
Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine
International Environmental Communication Association
National Communication Association
Rhetoric Society of America