Erin Rehrig

Biology and Chemistry School of Health and Natural Sciences
Dr. Erin Rehrig
978.665.3982 Office: Antonucci Science Complex 220B
Office Hours
Fall 2024

Monday 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tuesday 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Courses Taught

Intro to Life Science (BIOL 1000)
Life Science for Educators (BIOL 1050)
General Biology I (BIOL 1800)
General Biology II (1900)
Methods of Teaching Biology (BIOL 3015)
Biochemistry I (BIOL 3030/CHEM 3030)
Plant Biology (BIOL 3650)


  • Ph.D., University of Missouri (Plant, Insect, and Microbial Science)
  • M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University (Science Education)
  • M.S., Pennsylvania State University (Horticulture)
  • B.S., Bloomsburg University (Biology, Minor in Chemistry)
  • The molecular biology and biochemistry of plant-insect interactions
  • Secondary plant metabolism
  • Inquiry-based teaching methods
  • Using C.U.R.E.s in Undergraduate Plant Biology Lab: The Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Plant Growth, Physiology, and Herbivory