Soumitra Basu

Engineering Technology School of Business and Technology
Headshot of professor Soumitra Basu
978.665.3147 Office: Conlon Hall 210
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

Courses Taught

ENGT 1020 Engineering Graphics
ENGT 2000 Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics
ENGT 2030 Materials Testing & Quality Control
ENGT 3040 Metrology
ENGT 3042 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
ENGT 4025 Industrial Systems Automation
Internship Supervision - Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (3D Printing)
Internship Supervision - Vention Medical Devices (Product Development of Medical Devices)
Internship Supervision - Zoll Medical (Manufacturing Procedures, Processes & Fixture Design)


Ph.D., University of Windsor (Mechanical and Materials Engineering)
M.S., Pennsylvania State University (Materials Science and Engineering)
M.S., Jadavpur University (Production Engineering)
B.S., Birla Institute of Technology (Production Engineering)

Engineering Technology Curriculum Design
Backward Curriculum Design model
Application of QFD and System Theory to the 7 step Taba model
Stirling Engines
Economic Viability
Energy Efficient Building Design and Fabrication
Automation with Microcontrollers
CAD and 3D Printing
Green Manufacturing



S. Basu, “Treatment efficiency of wastewater from manufacturing processes,” Institution of Engineers (India) Journal of Production Engineering, Vol. 86, September 2005.

.  ​​​​​​​S. Basu and S. P. Dutta, "A Process Modelling Framework for AGV Control," International Journal of Production Research, 37 (16) pp. 3671- 3696, 1999. 

S. Basu, V. M. Huynh and S. P. Dutta, "Modeling Intelligent Materials Handling in a Goods Distribution Center, International Journal of Production Research, 34 (5) pp. 1381-1398, 1996. 

S. Basu and T. DebRoy, "Liquid Metal Expulsion During Laser Irradiation," Journal of Applied Physics, 72 (8) pp. 3317-3322, 1992. 

T. DebRoy, S. Basu and K. Mundra, "Probing Laser Induced Metal Vaporization by Gas Dynamics and Liquid Pool Transport Phenomenon," Journal of Applied Physics, 70 (3) pp. 1313-1319, 1991. 

Conference Proceedings & Presentations

S. Basu, “Engineering Technology curriculum development using a 7 step backward design formalism”, ASEE Annal Conference, Columbus, Ohio, June 25 - 28, 2017.

Soumitra. Basu Sam Basu, Peter Caiazzo and Anthony Radice, Sustainable Energy, The Sterling Engine Re-Emergence, and a market based feasibility analysis of its application, SIBR conference in Bangkok, Thailand, June 16 -17, 2017.

Soumitra. Basu and Sam Basu, “ Sustainable Energy and the case for Sterling Engines”, Fourth International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, Kolkata, India, December 18 – 20, 2015.

Soumitra. Basu and Sam Basu, “Sustainable Energy, US based Manufacturing and Student Learning: A pedagogic case at Stevens Institute of Technology.” 2014 SIBR Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, , Bangkok, 5th-7th June 2014

Soumitra. Basu and Sam Basu, “Sustainable Energy,” Presented on ‘University Research and Scholarship Day’ at William Paterson University, Wayne, New Jersey, April 3, 2014.

S. Basu, “Environmental considerations in Manufacturing: Energy recovery in extrusion processes,” AIMTDR 2012, May 2012.

A. Menon, S. Basu, V. Iyer and V. Kaku, “Machine Vision Applications in Packaging.” Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland, August 11-13, 2003.

S. Basu, N. Soni, J. W. Sutherland and W. W. Olson, "Decision Making for Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing." Proceedings of CIRP conference on Life Cycle Analysis, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 1999. 

J. W. Sutherland, S. Basu, and A. Gandhi, "Pollution Prevention In Machining," National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, Cincinnati, 1998. 

Y. Yue, Y. Zheng, S. Basu and J.W. Sutherland, "Cutting Fluids: Performance Measures and Health-Related Characteristics," Proceedings of the Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Ohtsu, Shiga, Japan, July 13-15, 1998. 

S. Basu and J. W. Sutherland, "Waste Reduction in Machining Processes, Region 5 EPA Conference, Hyatt Regency, Chicago. December 14-15, 1998. 

S. Basu and S. P. Dutta, "Modeling Intelligent Control of Material Handling Equipment in a Distribution Center," Proceedings of the 18th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization. 1997. 

S. Basu and J. Saha, "Design of Flat Form Tools: A Computer Aided Design Approach," 6th International Conference on Production Engineering, Osaka, Japan. November 1987. 

S. Roy, S. Basu and K. P. Sinha, "A Critical Analysis of Wear Parameters," Proceedings of the Conference on Machine Tools Design, Benaras, India. February 1986. 

S. R. Deb and S. Basu, "Man-Robot-Machine Interface Technology - An Aid to Teleoperative Maintenance Tasks in Hazardous Situations," National Conference on Effective Maintenance for High Productivity, CMERI Durgapur, India. April 12-14, 1985.

Member ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
Member SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers)
Former Faculty Advisor for Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) student chapter