Staff Profiles
Jacalyn Kremer
Dean of the Library
(978) 665-3833
Jackie is the Dean of the Library and provides the leadership and vision to position the library as a student-ready library.
Tyler Sullivan
Coordinator of Library Operations
(978) 665-3195
Tyler manages the Dean’s office, providing clerical and administrative support to all the library departments.
Access Services
(978) 665-3063, HA-112,circulation@fitchburgstate.edu. Access Services oversees borrowing and circulation, interlibrary loans, document delivery, course reserves, and customer service for the library.
Kim Smalley
Head of Access Services
(978) 665-3065
Kim oversees the physical space of the library, interlibrary loan, course reserves, circulation services and stacks maintenance, with the assistance of the Access Services team.
Sarah Gilbert
Library Assistant - Access Services
(978) 665-4824
Sarah is the nighttime circulation supervisor in the Access Services department. Sarah is responsible for stacks maintenance, helps process interlibrary loans, assists patrons at the circulation desk, and supervises our student workers.
Emily Clarke
Library Assistant - Access Services
(978) 665-3063
Emily is an circulation supervisor in the Access Services department. She processes interlibrary loans requests, assists patrons at the Access Services desk, and supervises our student workers.
Dominic Carranza
Library Assistant - Access Services
(978) 665-3063
Dominic is an evening circulation supervisor in the Access Services department. They process interlibrary loans, assist patrons at the circulation desk, and supervise our student workers.
Tom Martis
Library Assistant - Access Services
(978) 665-3063
Tom is is an evening circulation supervisor in the Access Services department. He processes interlibrary loans, assists patrons at the circulation desk, and supervises our student workers.
Allison Hall
Library Assistant - Access Services
(978) 665-3063
Allison is an evening circulation supervisor in the Access Services department. She processes interlibrary loans, assists patrons at the circulation desk, and supervises our student workers.
Instruction Services
Renée Fratantonio
Head of Instruction and Information Literacy
(978) 665-4219
Renée leads the instruction program, working closely with her fellow librarians and faculty to infuse information literacy within general education and disciplinary curricula. She teaches for a variety of subject areas and specializes in fake news and misinformation.
Liaison Areas: Education, Economics, History & Political Science (EHPS), and English Studies
Olivia Rossetti
Instruction & Community Engagement Librarian
(978) 665-4438
Olivia develops, implements, promotes, and assesses the Library's information literacy instruction programs for undergraduates and graduate students. Olivia also develops and sustains partnerships with the wider Fitchburg community.
Liaison Areas: Behavioral Sciences and Humanities & Interdisciplinary Studies
Lori Steckervetz
Outreach Librarian for Student Success
(978) 665-3849
Lori coordinates the library's outreach efforts with student support services and student organizations. She also develops library programming for the university and local communities.
Liaison Areas: Biology/Chemistry, Environmental, Geographic, and Public Health Sciences, Exercise and Sport Science (EXSS), Mathematics, and Psychological Science
Library Technology & Strategic Projects
Connie Strittmatter
Strategic Projects Librarian
(978) 665-4222
Connie leads efforts in OER adoption, library assessment, managing the library’s role in digital humanities projects, and building collaborative relationships with Fitchburg State University’s faculty and schools.
Liaison Areas: Business and Engineering Technology
Linda LeBlanc
Systems & Digital Learning Technologies Librarian; Library Program Area Chair
(978) 665-3062
Linda leads efforts to improve existing technologies and incorporate new technologies to provide innovative library services for the university community, supports library staff in the adoption of new and emerging technologies, supports the university's online learning and extended campus partners and programs, and serves as the library’s Digital Learning Technologies Coordinator to the university community. She also teaches library instruction classes on campus, at our extended campus sites, and online.
Liaison Area: Nursing
Research Services
(978) 665-3223, HA-1st floor, reference@fitchburgstate.edu
Sherry Packard
Reference & Research Services Librarian
(978) 665-3515
Sherry can often be found at the Research Help Desk on the first floor of the library. When she is not helping students find books and articles, Sherry is researching new books to add to our collection. She also enjoys writing fantasy novels and gaming.
Liaison Areas: Communications Media/Game Design and Computer Science
Matthew Raymond
Reference Librarian
(978) 665-4221
Matt provides research and technology assistance to all library patrons at the Research Help Desk. He helps with finding articles, books, and other materials for research through in person, email, phone, or chat.
Katherine Hughes
Reference Librarian
(978) 665-4221
Katherine provides research and technology assistance to all library patrons at the Research Help Desk. She helps library users find articles, books, and other materials for research through in person, email, phone, or chat.
Technical Services & Archives
(978) 665-3310, HA-201
Asher Jackson
Head of Technical Services & Archives
(978) 665-4869
Asher leads the Technical Services team. He plans, implements, maintains, and enhances library collections to ensure their availability to the university community. As the Library’s Archivist, he collects, organizes, and preserves the university’s records, digital collections, and other documents of interest. He also teaches library instruction classes.
Joanne Dennis
Serials Coordinator
(978) 665-3068
Joanne is responsible for maintaining the library’s electronic and print journal collection as well as maintaining the online databases. She also does some cataloging and assists in the library’s archives.
Melanie Nichols
Technical Services & Cataloging Assistant
(978) 665-4335
HA 201
Melanie is responsible for cataloging new books and materials for the library, assigning call numbers, subject headings, etc. before entering them into our system. She keeps up with cataloging changes and updates and re-catalogs the collection as necessary.
Robin Bourgault
Library Assistant - Access Services & Technical Services
(978) 665-3063
Robin does the ordering and processing of library materials in Technical Services. You may also see her helping out at the circulation desk assisting patrons at the circulation desk.
Patrick Koetsch
Archives Assistant & Reference Librarian
(978) 665-4869
Patrick works in Special Collections and Archives to make university records and community donated collections available to the Fitchburg State and surrounding communities. Patrick also works at the Research Help desk providing research assistance to students.
Ross Caputi
Archival Assistant for the Center for Italian Culture
(978) 665-4869
Ross work with the CIC's archives a resource for students, scholars, and the broader Italian-American community of central Massachusetts