Celebrate Black History Month

Library Background

February is Black History Month

The origins of Black History Month begin under the leadership of Dr. Carter G. Woodson, founder of the 

Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, now known as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History External (ASALH). Through his advocacy, Dr. Woodson, in 1926 established the first Negro History Week, between the birthdays two key figures in African-American history, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

The week-long observance expanded to the month of February starting in 1976 with a formal declaration by President Ford. Congress formalized the designation both in 1986 with Public Law 99-244.

Black History is American History

Explore and learn about the rich and diverse contributions of Black individuals and communities to our country’s history, culture, and society. 

Library book display

A physical book display is located on the Library's first floor near the entrance. An ebook display can be accessed online at tiny.cc/BHMebookshelf